” When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be”

This time it was the lyrics of Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer “Amen” reminding me how to be.


When I forget that the whole world
is holy, even the tiny dark bugs
that slip through window screens
and flock and stick to kitchen lights,
even the charred black remains of forest,
even the river as it floods bright red,
even when my cheeks are tear-stained
and my body tightens with fear,
that is when a kind letter from a stranger
arrives in the mail, or the rabbit will stand
on his back legs to nibble on mint,
or the meadow will blaze with the day’s
last slant of sunlight and my heart opens
so wide that inside the fear rises praise.

  ~Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer 

Poetry is one of resonant language modalities, which means that it brings our relational right brain to be more alive, more connected and “makes our brain kinder place to live”. Poems that I am sharing here were part of resonant healing sessions and healing either for me or the other participant of the session. I am sharing them further to spread resonance, healing and empathy to the world.